Bay Area bicycle news

If you’re stuck indoors because of poor air quality, maybe you can at least read about bike stuff over the weekend. This started out as a dump of links around the blogosphere, but there’s so much Bay Area news I’m sitting on I need to get that out of my system first.

But first of all let’s check out the extra saddle mounted at the front of this Retrovelo singlespeed cruiser. Photo by Robert in Dresden.

Bay Area bicycle news

San Mateo County bicyclists want facilities to get across Highway 101.

“Bicycle Powered” urban community supported agriculture in San Francisco. My Farm SF promises to provide and maintain backyard gardens using permaculture techniques and a basket of veggies from yours and other yards delivered weekly.

Middle school bicycle safety classes through the Palo Alto Recreation Department and taught by LCI Richard Swent. Go here for details. The next class is this Sunday, June 29 from 1 to 5:30 PM.

“Try Bicycling” video wins public access TV award. Members of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition created a bicycle promotion video and entered it in the national 2008 Hometown Videos competition, winning first place in the community events category. View the video here. Congrats to all involved.

VTA Citizen Advisory Committee opening. The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority has an opening for a member from the West Valley cities. To be appointed to the seat, you must live in one of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, or Saratoga and be chosen by the city council members who sit on the VTA board and PAC from those cities. Click here from nomination forms.

Reminder: Write to Caltrain. Please.

More bicycle links

New site: Ride Fixed Gear. The website owner lives in Palo Alto.

Wall Street Journal: Saudi experts disagree on how to manage their oil. It’s an eye opening article.

More on the way later for your weekend reading pleasure….


  1. There is an additional bike ed class in San Francisco tomorrow, Saturday June 29th.

    Saturday, June 28, 2008, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
    District 11: Ingleside Police Station, 1 Sgt. John V. Young Lane (San Jose Ave between Santa Ynez and Ocean)

    more info:

  2. There is an additional bike ed class in San Francisco tomorrow, Saturday June 29th.Saturday, June 28, 2008, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PMDistrict 11: Ingleside Police Station, 1 Sgt. John V. Young Lane (San Jose Ave between Santa Ynez and Ocean)more info:

  3. …fritz…thanks for the heads-up on the wall street journal's article on 'saudi oil management'…it is, as you say "an eye opening article" & while we as laymen, have no recourse to the truth to draw conclusions on, it goes hand in hand w/ the sunday 'yahoo finance' article titled "giant saudi field is key to boosting oil output" regarding development at the 'khurais oil fields'…

    …draw your own thoughts but however this plays out on the world stage & local theaters, we need to accept this 'financial gas crunch', along w/ the more frequent reality of food shortages & changing weather patterns, as an eyeopener…the various factors, taken as a whole will play a roll…

    …i'm not suggesting a need to become alarmist but we've been wallowing in the luxury of overindulgence for a long damn time & hopefully saner minds will start to prevail…

    …there will always be a future but what will the quality of life be for the majority, in that future ???…

  4. …fritz…thanks for the heads-up on the wall street journal's article on 'saudi oil management'…it is, as you say "an eye opening article" & while we as laymen, have no recourse to the truth to draw conclusions on, it goes hand in hand w/ the sunday 'yahoo finance' article titled "giant saudi field is key to boosting oil output" regarding development at the 'khurais oil fields'……draw your own thoughts but however this plays out on the world stage & local theaters, we need to accept this 'financial gas crunch', along w/ the more frequent reality of food shortages & changing weather patterns, as an eyeopener…the various factors, taken as a whole will play a roll……i'm not suggesting a need to become alarmist but we've been wallowing in the luxury of overindulgence for a long damn time & hopefully saner minds will start to prevail……there will always be a future but what will the quality of life be for the majority, in that future ???…

  5. What can we do to offset the weird spin factors that are saying it is totally uncool to cut back – that somehow that is caving in, or having a privilege/right removed?
    How can we change this to a noble "we are united and will conquer together" thing to inspire those who are inspired by such?

  6. What can we do to offset the weird spin factors that are saying it is totally uncool to cut back – that somehow that is caving in, or having a privilege/right removed? How can we change this to a noble "we are united and will conquer together" thing to inspire those who are inspired by such?

  7. We're always accused of "smugness" as if virtue is a vice, even from the office of the Vice President himeself. Drives me nuts.

  8. We're always accused of "smugness" as if virtue is a vice, even from the office of the Vice President himeself. Drives me nuts.

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