It’s Just a Ride points to this tear jerker of a story. Father and his autistic son are swept out to sea by a rip current. They’re in the water overnight and get separated. They can’t see each other, so Dad tries movie lines for his son to respond to. “To infinity,” cries dad. And faintly in the distance, he hears the shouted response: “And beyond!” Read the story.
<-- That photo there is Jimmy Carter with his Rivendell Atlantis.
Some high brow Italian cultural group wants to ban English words and phrases from the Italian language. When Renaissance age pedants tried to maintain the “purity” of Latin by purging foreign grammar and vocabulary in the 15th Century, they succeeded in killing the language. In the meantime, see this Italian guide to bike parts, or see the Italian-English bike dictionary. There’s another similar dictionary out on SmartEtailing bike shop websites, but I can’t find it at the moment.
You don’t have to be like Lance to enjoy cycling, by Alen Snel in Florida.

“Surfer Girl” by Peter Dutton. CC License.
St. Louis and the Tour of Missouri: Cyclists share passion for the road.
Presidential and VP candidate car choices (before the U.S. Secret Service made the choices for them).
36 inch wheels are big!
Copenhagen bike ride video.
Robert in Knoxville, TN has a bicycling and personal blog.
It's not just the Italians trying to prevent the encroachment of English into their language. Some of the French are appalled by it as well. But when you consider the atrocious Anglicized French in our language, maybe they're onto something.
North Versailles = North Ver-SALES
Dubois = DOO-boys
These are towns in Pennsylvania. When I was growing up, it was a major fox pass to pronounce them as French words. Imagine that.
It's not just the Italians trying to prevent the encroachment of English into their language. Some of the French are appalled by it as well. But when you consider the atrocious Anglicized French in our language, maybe they're onto something.North Versailles = North Ver-SALESDubois = DOO-boysThese are towns in Pennsylvania. When I was growing up, it was a major fox pass to pronounce them as French words. Imagine that.
It's not just the Italians trying to prevent the encroachment of English into their language. Some of the French are appalled by it as well. But when you consider the atrocious Anglicized French in our language, maybe they're onto something.North Versailles = North Ver-SALESDubois = DOO-boysThese are towns in Pennsylvania. When I was growing up, it was a major fox pass to pronounce them as French words. Imagine that.
36-inch wheels?
36-inch wheels?
Hmm, only $500. What a bargain.
Hmm, only $500. What a bargain.
Hmm, only $500. What a bargain.
My children were born in Illinois, so it grates on my ears when I hear "ill uh noise."
I travel around and get *so* confused at local place names. Is Montague pronounced mon-TAY-gew or mon-TAIG? Guadalupe: HWA-duh-LOOP-ay, GWA-duh-loop, or GWA-duh-loop-ay? Each of these place names are fairly common in the U.S., and each locality has its own pronunciation, but I'm very glad there's no national language board that would destroy local color.
My children were born in Illinois, so it grates on my ears when I hear "ill uh noise."I travel around and get *so* confused at local place names. Is Montague pronounced mon-TAY-gew or mon-TAIG? Guadalupe: HWA-duh-LOOP-ay, GWA-duh-loop, or GWA-duh-loop-ay? Each of these place names are fairly common in the U.S., and each locality has its own pronunciation, but I'm very glad there's no national language board that would destroy local color.
…i was dreading coming to the end of the "tearjerker of a story" but amazingly it all worked out…
…& ultimately, the young autistic son doesn't seem to have been freaked out by the situation…dad sez he's already back in the pool…
…& always good to see jimmy carter…the man had a tough "row to hoe as commander-in-chief but he's one of the best ex-presidents ever…active, healthy & always giving back to his community & country…
…& riding a nice rivendell, no less…
…& whats up w/ 36" wheels…they'd obviously roll over anything & everything, but how do they corner, climb, accelerate, etc, etc ???…no road test in the world is gonna convince you, so i'm sure you'd have to try 'em…
…i was dreading coming to the end of the "tearjerker of a story" but amazingly it all worked out……& ultimately, the young autistic son doesn't seem to have been freaked out by the situation…dad sez he's already back in the pool……& always good to see jimmy carter…the man had a tough "row to hoe as commander-in-chief but he's one of the best ex-presidents ever…active, healthy & always giving back to his community & country……& riding a nice rivendell, no less……& whats up w/ 36" wheels…they'd obviously roll over anything & everything, but how do they corner, climb, accelerate, etc, etc ???…no road test in the world is gonna convince you, so i'm sure you'd have to try 'em…
…i was dreading coming to the end of the "tearjerker of a story" but amazingly it all worked out……& ultimately, the young autistic son doesn't seem to have been freaked out by the situation…dad sez he's already back in the pool……& always good to see jimmy carter…the man had a tough "row to hoe as commander-in-chief but he's one of the best ex-presidents ever…active, healthy & always giving back to his community & country……& riding a nice rivendell, no less……& whats up w/ 36" wheels…they'd obviously roll over anything & everything, but how do they corner, climb, accelerate, etc, etc ???…no road test in the world is gonna convince you, so i'm sure you'd have to try 'em…