NOTE: Watch for a contest this next week. The prize will be one of these leather toe clip sewing kits from “Swamp” in Tokyo.
Jim G writes about his next LED bike light project. There’s a ton of LED lighting technology available now and Jim writes his thoughts on what he’ll with some of the new super bright LEDs and a dynohub front wheel.
Meanwhile over in the state Capital, Doc Logan wants to escape the smoke from the 1,781 wild fires in the Golden State.
Ron of Cozy Beehive writes his thoughts on Ridley Dean’s fastest bike in the world. And I still owe Ron a tagged post.
This is about as ridiculous as it gets: a drunk cyclist attacks a motorist, and the next thing you know a whole mob of cyclists gangs up on the motorist. The motorist, Colin Yates, turns out to be a long time cycling advocate. Jonathan writes more about it here and here.
Olympics: Final 3 members of the US Cycling team are named. Road cyclists Amber Neben and Christine Thorburn and mountain biker Mary McConneloug will represent the United States in China next month.
Backlog of bicycle stuff
Treadly and me calls it Speedlinking. Cycle Pig has his Weekly Oink. Freewheeling calls it his Freewheeling Roundup. Copenhagenize calls it various things. I just call it trying to catch up. Here are some several quick links for your weekend reading pleasure:
- Chic cyclist writes of this cyclist: “This is what 17 years of bicycle commuting looks like. As the French say, Pas mal! She’s definitely having more fun than the lady on her cell phone in the car.“
- Bike folds into backpack.
- Helmet debate at the Financial Times.
- Man rides bike. Thugs try to take bike. Man refuses to hand bike over. Man shot protecting his bike.
- Lightning kills youth on bike in Colorado. THis was a little east of Westcliffe, Colorado.
- iPhone doubles as bicycle safety armor.
- National politics and bicycles.
- Roby on buying bikes at sporting goods stores.
- My old pals in Longmont, Colorado had their Bike to Work Day in June. And I’m just now getting around to linking to their photos.
- Jen got doored. On the sidewalk. While walking!
- Freewheeling: Safe routes and sound investments.
- People rides bicycles in Iceland:
Everyone seems to be getting around on bicycles these days. Last month the sixth annual “Cycle to Work” initiative kicked off, the idea being that companies compete to have the most employees travel to work by bicycle. Between 2003 and 2007 the number of participants increased by more than ten fold from 533 to around 7,333.
- Bike Snob is less snarky than usual: HBO on David Millar.
- James reviews Klunkerz.
- BIke jacket turn signal tutorial. Or have I already posted a link to that?
- You, too, can save the world. This, too.
- Interbike Times: Is more bike culture the answer?
- Industry Outsider: Cars vs bikes.
- How to adjust your derailleur. I need to show that video to my son because he’s trying to figure that out.
- Bikescape podcast: Democracy in action with the San Francisco Bike Plan.
- Dave Moulton: Looking one way, driving another.
- Weird back to back tandem bicycle.
- CNN Poll: “My next vehicle will be a bicycle.”
- Biking in a skirt.
Have a great weekend!