Vote for me and I’ll set you free

Rap on, Brother, rap on.

I’m reading way too much bad news. Cheer me up with something, you all.

“I heart my bike” by Michelle Mauly.

James talks about a cool turn signal jacket along with some other interesting links over at his Bicycle Design blog.

This is interesting:

For 20 years now, workers in Palm Beach County, Fla., have been counting cars with sensors at strategic points along the county’s 4,000 miles of roads. And as sure as the tide flows in the nearby Atlantic, nearly every year traffic volume has climbed at least 2%. But in 2007 there was a slight decline in the number of vehicles on the roads. And this year, traffic is down 7.5% through March. “We’re seeing a very significant change,” says county engineer George Webb. “We’re having a good time speculating why.”

Job opening: “Alternative Transportation Coordinator” for Boulder County in Colorado is opening up as the current Coordinator moves up to a different job in the county. see here for complete job description and requirements. Tim Swope (the current coordinator) has been doing a good job over the past three years or so he’s been there.

You think you all know where to go for Tour de Georgia photos and news. The sprint finish in today’s Stage 3 was apparently pretty exciting as Greg Henderson of Team High Road climbed the podium and overall lead today.

BoingBoing will be at the Menlo Park Tech Shop this Saturday afternoon filming interesting projects. If you have something interesting or just want to hang out and watch, drop by the Menlo Park Tech Shop.

Make Magazine is producing a new show for PBS called “Make:TV.” They’re auditioning for projects for the show at the San Mateo Maker Faire coming up on May 1 – 4 at the Maker Shed. Click here for more info.

Make talks about this fiber composite bike from 1948.


  1. …hmmm…how about the rain has stopped & the temperature is supposed to slowly but steadily climb over the next few days…
    …other than that, i got nothin'…

  2. …hmmm…how about the rain has stopped & the temperature is supposed to slowly but steadily climb over the next few days……other than that, i got nothin'…

  3. Fritz, some good news to cheer you up:

    I got my camera back today and it seems to be A-OK.

    Tickets to an upcoming Moody Blues concert came in the mail today.

    This shirt should make you smile.

  4. Fritz, some good news to cheer you up: I got my camera back today and it seems to be A-OK.Tickets to an upcoming Moody Blues concert came in the mail today.This shirt should make you smile.

  5. Hey, *anybody* can be cheerful when things are good. Time to go underground and plan 🙂

  6. Hey, *anybody* can be cheerful when things are good. Time to go underground and plan 🙂

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