Thursday links

Good morning. It’s a little chillier than usual in northern California this week. I even saw snow Monday morning on the hills around the Bay Area. It’s good to see a fair number of cyclists still riding in the morning chill during my commute.

Ads for feminine hygiene products frequently seem to feature women riding bicycles.

I’m playing with the intervalometer function of my HERO Cam. Any suggestions on improving this?

Sketchy bike / scooter hybrid.

Bike chain cuffflinks.

Warren and Noah are hard core cyclists. 🙂

On YouTube: collection of red light running scofflaws. And this too.

Bike Hugger David Schloss has a mancrush on a hot cyclist.

Christmas gift ideas from Bike Intelligencer: Bicycle DVDs that doesn’t list the usual suspects.

Lance Armstrong on the Daily Show.

“If I were driving a car, you’d still be stuck behind me.”

Urban cycle fashion and the cult of transportation.

Grist on justifying coffee.

The San Mateo County Sheriff often runs ‘enforcement actions’ on cyclists at the request of residents in Woodside, California, because, you know, cyclists are such a danger to themselves and other traffic.

Giant Bike’s CFO, Bonnie Tu, wants to end the male dominated world of the bike industry.

Sanyo Eneloop Bicycle wins CES innovation award. Watch for my review of this eBike in the next issue of Momentum Planet.


  1. =v= TV's on all the time when I visit my family, and I see those ads. They suggest freedom, of course. There are similar ads for products that relieve allergies and erectile dysfunction, and many ads aimed at seniors show white-haired couples on bikes.

  2. =v= TV's on all the time when I visit my family, and I see those ads. They suggest freedom, of course. There are similar ads for products that relieve allergies and erectile dysfunction, and many ads aimed at seniors show white-haired couples on bikes.

  3. That blonde chick in the red and yellow onesie is not too bad to look at. I guess I've always had a thing for women in knee-high tube socks.

  4. That blonde chick in the red and yellow onesie is not too bad to look at. I guess I've always had a thing for women in knee-high tube socks.

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