The three winners of the Custom Bicycles Passionate Pursuit virtual alleycat have been selected. Congratulations to Ann in Cleveland Heights, OH; Kit in Sunnyvale, CA; and Jon in Chico, CA.
The prize is the wonderful coffee table book Custom Bicycles A Passionate Pursuit from Image Publishing. Thank you very much for Image Publishing for providing the prizes in this race.
Thank you to everybody who entered. I noticed when I closed the contest over the weekend that I linked to the wrong page in my contest promotion (aaargh!) so I didn’t get as many entrants as I anticipated.
Thank you also to the blogs who agreed to be checkpoints in this virtual alleycat. If you want to see the goofy comments left by some of the racers, the checkpoints are at:
Congrats, you three! I'm bummed I didn't win.Thanks, Yokota, for putting on the contest!
Congrats, you three! I'm bummed I didn't win.
Thanks, Yokota, for putting on the contest!
Congrats to the Winners! Thanks to you Fritz for doing this and thanks to all the virtual alley cats who stopped by, and finally thanks for the comments you cats left.
Congrats to the Winners! Thanks to you Fritz for doing this and thanks to all the virtual alley cats who stopped by, and finally thanks for the comments you cats left.