Bicycle Extremists

We will eat your children.

The city of Santa Rosa, CA configured part of Humboldt Street into a Bicycle Boulevard as a pilot project last year. Some people don’t like sharing the road with their neighbors on bikes. Click here for the usual name-calling litany: extremist, insurgent, virus, arrogant, selfish. Don’t miss the brilliant commentary at All Hail the Black Market.

Adventure Cycling bike travel photo contest.

Detroit gentrification. “There had to be 200 white kids on bicycles. I’m like ‘What?!’

Aptos mom pedals to the office.

Fenders and mudflaps.

Cyclist sues motorist for $50,000. This is interesting because attorneys don’t usually take personal injury lawsuits in bike-vs-car collisions because the damages collected are so low.

New York: numerous safety violations in the bike lane. Go figure.

Treehugger: Green asphalt.

Nags Head says “NO” to Segway tours on a bike path.

New York’s bikes in buildings law: “Frustrating.”

Bike Tourism in New York City.

75 mile bike path around Lake Tahoe?

It’s not about the bike?

Bike route review: London to Paris.


  1. There are Tea Party wackos everywhere. They think everyone who doesn’t give them money is a terrorist.

  2. You can’t do anything in this world without someone complaining.

    I want a Bicycle Extremist t-shirt!

  3. I’m a ‘virus’? I think a virus is a small, well-structured thing with a built-in plan to replicate itself. I, however, am a large, poorly organized lump of protoplasm that can’t plan anything before having a cup of coffee. Even then, the plan probably won’t last until lunchtime.

    But the people who put up these posters, well, perhaps we should recommend that they go….replicate….themselves.

  4. lol @ Detroit comment
    i think the last big critical mass in Detroit will be end of October. Hopefully we’ll all have costumes. It’ll be really dark by then.

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