Bikes news Thursday

At a Caltrain station, I watched a drunken clipless pedal release fail and fall on the platform, which I guess is an example of why people shouldn’t ride bikes on a train platform. You don’t want to fall over when a train comes roaring buy.

In the SF Bay Area, bike advocates question the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s $7.9 million for a two year bike share pilot program. Some bike advocates in San Jose have also gotten to the bottom of San Jose airport’s bike ban on a portion of Airport Boulevard.

But I’ll have to report on those later as I’m playing catch up today! Those of you on the San Francisco, San Mateo and Silicon Valley bicycle discussion lists already have the dirt on this stuff.

Bicycle news and blog roundup

Velo Bus Driver participates in a mileage based insurance trial.

Congo Truck Scooter. Via Velo Paint.


Chimp’s first cross race.

Something like a bike share in Nashville TN.

Gotta have this!

Citizen Rider’s bike jacket origami. Me — I stuff my bike jacket into its own pocket.

MAKE: a coffee table made of bicycle chainrings.

Don’t forget: Register for the Online Alleycat!


  1. What? I was going to quip that you shouldn’t use alcohol to clean the pedal release but the train sounds ominous…

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