The Gary Fisher Collection?

Trek drops Gary Fisher brand in cost-cutting measure; introduces the “Gary Fisher Collection.”

Trek announced they’re dropping the Gary Fisher brand. According to Bike Europe, the brand is no longer profitable. Dealers reportedly want more Trek-branded 29ers and hybrid bikes.

In its place, Trek announced “The Gary Fisher Collection,” which sounds like a late 70s progressive rock band but are actually a line of Trek-branded mountain bikes with their own distinctive look. Gary Fisher the man will continue to represent Trek.


* Twenty Nine Inches: Gary Fisher 2011: Co-brands With Trek, Expands Line Up.

* Feed the Habit: Trek Announces 2011 Gary Fisher Collection

* Bike Radar: Trek Bicycle Corporation kills off Gary Fisher bicycles


  1. Pretty obvious actually… Look at Bontrager, Klein or even the latter-day Lemond. Bikes that actually had some sort of individual character, unlike, dare I say it, the designed by committee Treks.

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