Win fantastic prizes in a photo contest from the Alliance for Biking and Walking, including:
- An all-expense-paid trip to Tuscany
- A new bicycle from PUBLIC bikes
- Products from Ortlieb, Planet Bike products, Bern Helmets, Fyxation

The People Powered Movement Photo Contest addresses a critical need for bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations. Bicycle and pedestrian advocates need high-quality images of biking and walking to make their campaigns and communications both professional and engaging. The Alliance for Biking and Walking nationwide contest builds their online Photo Library, which provides hundreds of images for Alliance members to download and use at no cost. Support grassroots advocacy by submitting your best biking and walking photos for use in the Alliance’s photo library. Enter the 2011 People Powered Movement Photo Contest!

The contest runs from August 1 to October 31, 2011. Online photo submissions will be accepted from August 1 to September 30. Public voting will open October 1 and close October 31. Winners will be announced in early 2012.
For contest rules and other details, visit the photo contest web page.

If you need photos to use for your publication (print or electronic), I have literally thousands of images free for use in my Flickr photostream. My only requirement: You must credit “Richard Masoner” with a link to (or mention of in print pubs) Cyclelicious. If you hot link the image from Flickr, they also have their requirements. Note also these images are unencumbered for editorial use only — there are no model releases for use of these images for advertising or marketing use.
Is this bike contest ongoing till now
Is this bike contest ongoing till now