Orange is the fastest color

Fritz: Knock Knock

Fran: Who’s there?

Fritz: Orange

Fran: Orange who?

Fritz: Orange you glad you ride a bicycle?

January 2011 Bike Party Orange Ride

Tonight’s theme for the San Jose Bike Party is the Orange Ride. I’m recovering from pneumonia (!) so I won’t be there, but YOU will be and that’s what’s important because you rock.

Edwin has been following the adventures of Scooby, a perpetually shirt-free body builder who travels the world with his Bike Friday. Scooby is now in Laos. I can’t speak to the accuracy of the maps, but my bike routing application does work in the Lao People’s Republic. It appears that OpenStreetMap data for the capital Vientiane is actually more complete than Google Maps, and OSM data includes numerous back alleys and even rice paddy access roads. From this description of cycling in Laos, it seems like biking on the roads is perfectly reasonable in there.

A history of bikes on Caltrain: 1977 to present day.

Grist on Portlandia.

Pedestrian fatalities up? Blame Michelle Obama!

“Teutonic Behemoth”: The Grace Pro Race Electric Bike.

Fyxation Gate introduces new bike pedals that come in orange, among other colors.

Tara in cold, wintry Utah recommends a glass of orange juice at Style and Cycling.

Meli shows off her fun orange scarf at Bikes and the City. She also spies an orange Rivendell at Change Your Life Ride A Bike.

Orange Public Bikes at Dr Sketchy’s Girls on Bicycles event.

There’s an Orange Krate at Velo Vogue.

Finally, Orange is a brand of mountain bikes in the UK.

I hope you have an orangealicious weekend!


  1. Actually, on this trip he’s wearing shirts to protect himself from mosquitos.

    On the European trip he said that if anyone spotted him and gave him a shirt he’d mail them an autographed t-shirt. No one took him up on it, but one fan did give him a German eagle-themed baseball cap to replace the “stupid” bucket hat he wears in all his videos.

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