Don’t ask if it’s a hard job

I hear the voice of experience in this Craigslist posting for a bicycle rickshaw job in Denver, Colorado: “Please don’t email me to ask if this is a difficult job. I will reiterate– you are lugging hundreds of pounds of human being around a city in the back of your giant adult tricycle. Also, please don’t email to ask if it will be cold while doing this job. Let’s take a quick peek at a calendar. It’s January. So, we’ve established this is a hard job and it’s cold outside.” I’m surprised also to learn a valid Colorado drivers license is required to take this job!

More bicycle related jobs below the fold.

The National Interscholastic Cycling Association has several openings in Berkeley. I think the NICA office is located at ClifBar.

A community wellness and prevention program in Contra Costa County, CA seeks “Injury Prevention and Physical Activity Program Manager with a Focus on Built Environment” to “partner with community residents, collaboratives and organizations to decrease pedestrian and bicycle injuries and increase physical activity in school and community settings” (among other tasks). You need a Master’s degree in Public Health for a $70K annual salary.

Computer Applications Manager to oversee Oracle or SAP consultants for QBP in Bloomington, MN.

Safe Routes to Schools site coordinator for TransForm in Oakland, CA.

Safe Routes to Schools assistant in west San Jose, CA for the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition.

City CarShare in San Francisco needs a bike-riding fleet field technician to service their cars. Among the requirements: “Candidates must be physically capable and comfortable bicycling in dense urban traffic and using/ transporting a bicycle on public transportation. ” They’ll give you a discounted City CarShare membership and pay for your transit pass.

Internet Marketing / Social Media specialist for Easy Rider Tours in Boston, MA.

Sales and customer service for a bike rental company in San Francisco.

Service Manager needed at Salem Cycle in Salem, MA.

South San Jose Trek dealers looking for full time help.

Performance Bicycles needs store managers in Dallas, TX and sales associates for a new shop in Buford, GA.

Bike Patrol in Las Vegas.

Bike Patrol officers hiring event Wednesday in Los Angeles.

Looking for more? Streetsblog has a jobs board.


  1. @Roger – no literal fold, no. But bloggers commonly use the phrases “below the fold” or “after the jump” to refer to additional content that doesn’t fit into the rss feed item, when their feed only shows part of each article.

  2. Whoops, I misspoke. The Cyclelicious feed includes full articles. But “the fold” can also refer to content that isn’t initially visible in the browser – you have to scroll down to see it.

  3. That’s the wrong answer if I have to figure out what you meant, and *correct* your English (e.g., complementary vs. complimentary)… but in this case, it’s straight out figurative language (which is even more universally legitimate than poetic license).    Official Grammar Police (I remember passing an online test to earn the title ;P) and Word Nerd sayeth so.

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