I think we’ve jumped the shark with infographics, but what the hey, we still like them. An infographic from University of Oregon Environmental Studies student Kory Northrup shows numbers of bike commuters in U.S. cities and other related graphics on gender split, spending, and fatality rate.
Unlike many similar visualizations of bike safety data, Kory normalized the fatality rate with the numbers of bike commuters. He used US Census American Community Survey data for his charts. Via Uptown Almanac and We Bike Eugene, from where you can also view a full size version of this visual.
Direct link to the “We Bike Eugene” article so you don’t have to dig for the full sized graphic http://www.webikeeugene.org/2011/03/07/bicycle-commuter-trends-in-the-us-graphic-representation/
Thanks Brian. I hunted around a little for the original article but didn’t realize it was from so long ago.