I coulda swore I saw this Black Sheep bike with the 36 inch tires in downtown San Jose the other day.
The guy riding it — well, I’ll just say he looked a little sketchy, but I didn’t really get a good look at the bike, though it was definitely a 36er and had a metal colored frame.
Was a 36er stolen from NAHBS or elsewhere?
A rare photo of Yehuda Moon.
I wonder if they sold any… 36ers are in need of a good tire and wheel. There is probably a market. The old Cokers aren’t very good.
I wonder how many people have thought that same thing about me and my Waterford.
I give off that sketchy vibe too, sometimes, so I hesitate to profile the guy. I quickly asked where he got his 36er as we rode past each other (I was in the road, he was going the wrong way on the sidewalk) and he looked at me like he had no idea what I was asking about.