Everyday Bicycling: How to Ride a Bike for Transportation (Whatever Your Lifestyle) by Elly Blue.
We’ve all heard the phrase ‘As easy as riding a bike.’ Biking is indeed easy and fun, but the stupid simplicity of cycling masks situations the new bike commuter might not think of until he is three miles from home with a flat tire and a thrown chain alongside heavy traffic when a sudden downpour brings new clarity and insight.
The brand new cyclist encounters several minor glitches that are completely avoidable if only somebody could show them the ropes: Who knew I’d get grease stains on my pants? How can I avoid flats? Do I need to stop at stop signs? Which side of the road do I ride on? Aargh, there’s a big brown stripe on my butt!
Elly Blue’s new pocket book explains it all for the bike transportation newbie in a friendly, non-judgemental tone. This inexpensive booklet makes a nice stocking stuffer for the bike curious in your life. 125 pages with topics divided into sections about two pages long so your reader won’t fall victim to tl;dr explains clothing, equipment, safety, the rules of the road, route selection, hygiene and advocacy, with more than a token nod towards the needs of women.
You can buy directly from Elly at her website and pay using PayPal. If you’d like to throw a few pennies my way, you can also purchase through Amazon.