Americans: The America Bikes Coalition wants your Independence Day Parade bike photos.
From the American Bikes blog:
Even though Congress’ new transportation bill cuts funding for biking and walking, more people are choosing to bike for transportation than ever before.
Anyone who has replaced routine car trips with bicycle trips knows the incredible sense of independence that riding a bike can bring. Freedom is getting to your destination with your own effort, freely breathing the air around you, traveling unencumbered by congestion, and nabbing a convenient parking space every time.
So please, show us your patriotism on your bike! We want to see July 4th photos of you and your bike. Or your kids and their bikes, or your great uncle and his bike, or your cats and their cat bikes.
We’ll bring the best photos up to Capitol Hill to show members of Congress just how patriotic bikes can really be.
More at America Bikes: Send in Your 4th of July Bike Photos. Via Lady Fleur.