Big map shows bike share systems worldwide

Behold the United States of bike sharing!

Bike symbols are active bike share programs, question marks are planned or proposed systems, and red triangles are defunct bike share systems.

View The Bike-sharing World Map in a larger map

Compare this US map heavy with question marks with the international map which is crowded with active bike share programs in Western Europe and East Asia. The numerous Chinese bike share systems include a 5,000 bike system in the northern city of Heihe way up on the Siberian frontier. I am skeptical of some of these — a few of the Chinese source links I surveyed at random point to articles about planned systems, instead of those in actual operation. If we believe the reports of the planned San Francisco Peninsula bike share, for example, we’ve had our bike share in operation for the past six months. The latest news is that we can probably expect to see it start this fall 2013 sometime.

Russell Meddin of Bike Share Philadelphia and Paul DeMaio Metrobike maintain this groovy map.

From Shareable Cities: What Can We Learn from the Bike-Sharing World Map? Via Planetizen.

One Comment

  1. And there are also peer-to-peer systems like Liquid/Spinlister. I’ve had my bikes on there for a while, but no takers yet. There’s only a few around here, but some cities have quite a few. It’s more for taking a bike for a day or more though, and not so great on just hopping on a random bike and leaving it at another station.

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