Two years in a row, Alan Lowenthal of Long Beach introduced a safe passing bill to the California legislature. Two years in a row, Governor Jerry Brown vetoed the bill in spite of heavy lobbying by California cyclists.
Lowenthal has since moved on to the U.S. Congress, and nobody has yet taken up his safe-passing torch in the California legislature.
Los Angeles cyclist Rick Risemburg hopes to bring this to statewide attention again with his safe passing online petition to be delivered to Jerry Brown’s desk. He’s already most of the way there to the required 1000 signatures. Sending this over the top will highlight the importance of this issue for California cyclists.
20 states and several local governments have a 3 foot law in place. Rick Perry of Texas and Brown are the only two governors to have vetoed 3 foot legislation.
Risemburg realizes the deadline has passed to introduce new legislation in California for the 2013 session, but hopes for action in 2014. Although Lowenthal termed out of the state Senate last year, we now have other bona fide bike people among the freshmen members of the California assembly.
View the petition here –> Three Feet Please! for California.
Via Biking In LA, where you can find a good collection of weekend CARnage.
Third time’s a charm? I’m so tired of signing petitions and writing letters and blog posts on this topic. Do we have the support of the CHP or AAA this time? If not, I can’t imagine a different outcome than on the two previous attempts.