Farewell to BicycleDesign.net

I’ve been following James Thomas and his Bicycle Design blog since its inception in 2005.

This morning, he announced he’s closing up shop to devote his energies elsewhere, including his new industrial design blog.

I stole borrowed some of my best inspirations from James and his blog and learned a tremendous amount about bike design, the history of bikes and how the bike industry works. If you haven’t perused his posts in a while, go take a look, and then go and say hi and his new blog!


  1. Thanks, Richard! As you know, Cyclelicious was one of the original blogs that motivated me to start my own in 2005, along with Tim Jackson’s MasiGuy and Jonathan Maus’ old marketing blog (which I can’t remember the name of). I definitely owe you a big thanks for getting me into it.

    At this point, I probably won’t be devoting much energy toward my new blog. I have a few design ideas that have been in the back of my head for a while, so I am ready to refocus and try and work through some of those concepts. Not sure if anything will come of them… but I’m always excited about working on new projects.

  2. I assumed you did. I just can’t believe it took me so long to remember the name…especially since I worked as a bike mechanic in college and heard that phrase all the time.

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