New and improved Bike Train with two departure times!
San Jose Bike Train rolls again next Wednesday, September 17, 2014 from Diridon Station for destinations towards north San Jose along the Guadalupe River Trail. The regular 8 AM train departs at 8 AM. We now also have a conductor for a 6:30 AM train, which departs after Caltrain #102 that arrives in San Jose at 6:26 AM. For this early morning train, lights are required.
Why Bike Train?
Traveling from south and central San Jose to your office in the north part of San Jose along Highway 87 can be frustrating and slow. San Jose Bike Train is designed to help those who would like to try a commute by bike ease into the process with a stress-free, casual, low-speed, non-judgmental group ride. We stop for coffee, watch for urban roosters, and chat as we ride before we all start the day. After departing Diridon, the ride takes place almost entirely on a completely grade-separated path. This means no car traffic for most of the ride.
Bike Train is designed to combine transit with a bike commute. If Diridon Station is not a convenient start location for you, however, we’re currently looking at park-and-bike options. We already have group who meet up with Bike Train after they start in Willow Glen. If you need help getting to Diridon from your start location, we’ll try to find bike sherpa to guide you along the way.
Please RSVP in the comments here, via Twitter or on the San Jose Bike Train Facebook page so we know to look for you.