Be the first to answer the trivia question below and win this book: Shoulder To Shoulder – Bicycle Racing in the Age of Anquetil.

Shoulder To Shoulder is the Horton Collection’s latest coffee table pictorial showing European road racing in the 1960s, when the sport of cycling transitioned from the post-year period featuring grim hard men like Fausto Coppi to smiling camera-friendly stars like Jacques Anquetil.
You can find more info about this book here and pre-order for delivery in November.
Contest rules
Be the first to correctly answer the below trivia question by leaving a comment on this blog, as a reply to me on Twitter, or to by replying to this blog’s post link on the Facebook page. Time of comment is determined by arrival time to me. In the event of a tie, I’ll flip a virtual coin. Comment moderation is enabled so don’t fret if you don’t immediately see your answer.
If your shipping address is in the USA, I’ll ship you a copy of this book when it’s released at the end of October. If you are outside of the USA, I’ll email an gift card in the amount of $15. Must be above age 18 and over the enter, void where prohibited, and you need to provide a way for me to email you (and respond to the email) for you to win the prize. I won’t sell your contact information. I won’t annoy you with spam, but I may use it in the future to contact you for incidental reasons (e.g. “I’m visiting Norway next month, you’re in Norway; can we meet for coffee?”)
The Trivia Question
The League of American Bicyclists released their Where We Ride report earlier this week, in which they look at US Census data to find trends in bicycling to work.
Click through to the PDF report and answer this question: Tell me how many photos in the report were shot by Yours Truly (i.e. “Richard Masoner”), and tell me what pages all of these photos appear on. Valid answers must be complete and accurate — i.e. if you miss one, the answer doesn’t count; or if you give the page number for all photos — including those not shot by me — your answer isn’t valid. Page number is determined in the page footer, not by whatever page your PDF reader says you’re on.
Good luck and go!
UPDATE: We have a winner! Thanks for playing, everybody.
If you don’t win today, watch for another trivia contest next week on Friday.
4 photos, pages: Cover, p8, p15, p19
ding ding ding we have a winner!
That was epicestest “D
I mean its great stuff haha anyway here is my anwer 5 photos and its on the cover page 8 and page 15