Lady Gaga doffed her platform shoes and rides around in Copenhagen after the Danish Born this Way Ball last weekend.
Lady Gaga doffed her platform shoes and rides around in Copenhagen after the Danish Born this Way Ball last weekend.
Look Ma, no hands. Look Ma, no money!
There’s a lot to admire about cycling in Denmark, but high levels of bike traffic apparently comes with heavy handed traffic rules.
Copenhagen, Denmark isn’t just a city of of well dressed, beautiful women riding bikes in high heels. Next week, the UCI Track Cycling World Championship will take place there at the Ballerup Super Arena Velodrome.
I don’t know why, but “Alta Bikes” has been in my top ten searches for the past week. People looking for this Norwegian bike company — which offers a single model of a fixed gear bike — are finding this article on Alta Bikes. Alta Bikes is perhaps most famous for their underwear model ads.