In their bicycling promotion work, Ecology Action in Santa Cruz prepared this map of 2008 Santa Cruz bike collisions.
View Ecology Action Produced Map of Reported Bicycle Collisions in Santa Cruz County, 2008 in a larger map
In their bicycling promotion work, Ecology Action in Santa Cruz prepared this map of 2008 Santa Cruz bike collisions.
In a recent mailing list discussion, somebody proposed a law in which reflective or high visibility clothing for cyclists should be mandatory.
As far as I know, New Hampshire is the only state with this requirement — NH RSA 265:144 “Special Rules for Bicycles” states, in part, “A bicyclist shall wear at least one item of reflective outerwear apparel, such as a reflective vest, jacket, or helmet strip, during the period from 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise.”
Free Range Kids blogs reports on the same old same old situation of a school banning bike riding and asks why biking to school became ‘controversial,’ this time in Arlington, MA (near Boston).
And so it goes: Common sense — and the fact that this is one of the bikingest places in America — would seem to suggest that biking is not a terrible, crazy, death-defying idea. And yet the “What if???” brigade will always have its say. I agree: WE DO NOT WANT KIDS BEING MOWED DOWN BY MINIVANS! But here’s a great stat that I state in my book, too: HALF of all the kids injured by cars near schools are injured by cars dropping off OTHER kids at the school. So if we just scaled back on the chauffeuring, we’d already have a much safer route to school.
More at Free Range Kids: Why is this radical?
That headline is the claim of an automotive group in this Fox News DC story. The American Automobile Association says pedestrian injuries and deaths are increasing because people wearing earphones are not aware of their surroundings. I’d personally be interested in knowing the real crash data on this. (more…)
MyBikeNumber is a new startup which is aiming to offer an international bike registration system. (more…)