Manuel Beltran – EPO

Tour de France: Liquigas cyclist Manuel Beltran positive for EPO.

Update: Bobke on Beltran. Trust But Verify expresses some cynicism about L’Equipe breaking the story. Boulder Report says Beltran’s an idiot. Bicycle.Net reports the whole team might be expelled.


l’Espagnol Manuel Beltran (Liquigas), 37 ans, présente des traces d’EPO dans l’échantillon A de ses urines prélevé à l’issue de la première étape du Tour de France, samedi 5 juillet entre Brest et Plumelec.

Professionnel depuis 1995, Beltran a débuté sa carrière chez Mapei avant de passer par Banesto, Team Coast et de devenir l’un des principaux équipiers en montagne de Lance Armstrong à l’US Postal et chez Discovery Channel.

Beltran fait partie de ceux qui avaient été ciblés par l’Agence Française de lutte contre le dopage (AFLD) lors des prélèvements sanguins effectués les 3 et 4 juillet derniers à Brest avant le départ.

That’s French for “37 year old Spaniard Manuel Beltran of Liquigas is SO busted! His A sample from Stage 1 tested positive for EPO.” Beltran has been pulled from competition.

Beltran started racing professionally in 1995 with Mapei. From 2003 to 2006, he raced on the USPS Team and Team Discovery, often assisting Lance Armstrong with his wins as his teammate.

For Tour de France Stage 7 news and commentary, don’t miss KWC’s link round up.


  1. Just talked with Bob Roll about this. His comments are over on our blog. My comments. C'MON GUYS! Did he NOT think he'd get caught? Why…because he's special or something? Oy!

  2. Just talked with Bob Roll about this. His comments are over on our blog. My comments. C'MON GUYS! Did he NOT think he'd get caught? Why…because he's special or something? Oy!

  3. This is actually a good thing.

    If a non-significant rider like Beltran can be nabbed and tossed out, it sends a message to contenders, up-and-comers, and any of the veteran riders who may think that they can extend their career for another year or two by using the "better life by chemistry" technique.

    That's too bad about Triki Beltran. I always thought highly of him as the tireless Postal/Discovery rider. Not anymore.

  4. This is actually a good thing.If a non-significant rider like Beltran can be nabbed and tossed out, it sends a message to contenders, up-and-comers, and any of the veteran riders who may think that they can extend their career for another year or two by using the "better life by chemistry" technique.That's too bad about Triki Beltran. I always thought highly of him as the tireless Postal/Discovery rider. Not anymore.

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