The newly appointed chief of police for the city of San Diego, California is an avid cyclist.
Ms Zimmerman appeared with Council Member Todd Gloria and U.S. Representative Scott Peters to speak at CicloSDias on Sunday, March 30, 2014 before she hopped on two wheels to ride at San Diego’s open streets event in full SDPD cycling kit. Andy Hanshaw, executive director of the San Diego Bicycle Coalition, also appears in this photo.
Zimmerman was promoted to Chief of Police to California second largest city earlier this month.
In recent years, there have been a couple of instances of cyclists who are cited by San Diego police officers for failure to obey CVC 21202, California’s Far to the Right Law, in spite of the very clear exceptions to this rule. Hopefully, a cyclist in police leadership will bring increased awareness for cyclist rights on the roads.
Tip of the hat to Serge in La Jolla and his buddy Michael, who provided the photo.