Category: pets

Dogs and the SLUT

Anne Jovi has dogs for the S.L.U.T. Aren’t they adorable?

Dogs in a bike basket She tells me they’re too big for the basket now. Enjoy ’em while they’re young!

I don’t remember if I mentioned this or not yet, but I have a new link bait rule: Post a picture of your cute pet on or around the bike, link back to Cyclelicious and ensure I find it and I’ll post a link back to your website or blog. You can see the other bicycle pet posts by clicking on the “pets” label below.

Cycle Dog

Megan is a cyclist in Texas. She likes guns, Panda bears, polar bears, fixed gear bikes, and short fenders. This is her dog, Pie.

he loves to trot

Here are a couple more adorable dog with bike photos.

Some might accuse me of pandering to those who hanker for cute pet photos, but really I’m just following industry trends. Sickenly cute pet photos is almost the definition of a succcessful blog, and besides I’m just following CycleDog’s lead, here. That’s the ticket.

(Click on photos for captions and photographer info)