Watch Dave Z zoom by in his Captain America outfit during the Team Time Trial at the Tour de Georgia in this fantastic photo by Ken Conley.

Ken Conley got to ride the media motorcycle yesterday and captured several excellent photos before, during and after yesterday’s stage at the Tour de Georgia. The TTT event took place, unusually, on the Road Atlanta road track, which features a number of sharp turns and steep hills. I’ve heard a couple of suggestions that the Tour of California should incorporate a similar event using the Laguna Seca raceway in Monterey, which I think is a splendid idea.
James T posted about his fun at the TTT to his Bicycle Design blog and I just noticed that he uploaded his Tour de Georgia photos to a Flickr TdG set.

If you don’t know the story behind this “Just Go Harder” sticker, Just Go Harder is the name of an online journal by Slipstream cyclist Tim Duggan and Team Type 1 cyclist Ian MacGregor. Tim Duggan crashed badly during a 45 mph decent during Stage 3 and was hospitalized with head injuries. The Slipstream squad applied the Just Go Harder stickers on the seatposts for their team mate. Duggan is expected to recover, but it was pretty scary for a little while.
Frank Steele (of TdFBlog) is an east coast guy and he also has his Tour de Georgia photo set on Flickr.

Remember, you can always visit Steephill.TV for a good collection of links to more media, race results and coverage. Steven there is currently covering Tour de Georgia Stage 5 which is now in progress. You can also watch live video of the Tour de Georgia on (free registration required).
I’ll fill you in on little background on that “just go harder” picture from my set. I was walking over to the Slipstream bikes before the race to get a few shots of the wheels. As I approached the bikes, I saw a guy in a photo vest taking shots of those seatposts, but I didn’t pay much attention. When I got closer though, I saw the small red KWC sticker on his lens and I realized that it was Ken. We talked for a bit and he is the one who pointed out the stickers to me and told me what they meant, so basically I was just copying the shots he was taking with this one. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have paid any attention to those stickers.
I’ll fill you in on little background on that “just go harder” picture from my set. I was walking over to the Slipstream bikes before the race to get a few shots of the wheels. As I approached the bikes, I saw a guy in a photo vest taking shots of those seatposts, but I didn’t pay much attention. When I got closer though, I saw the small red KWC sticker on his lens and I realized that it was Ken. We talked for a bit and he is the one who pointed out the stickers to me and told me what they meant, so basically I was just copying the shots he was taking with this one. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have paid any attention to those stickers.