Random geek amusement for this Hump Day. Copy and paste the below as a single line into a file, and compile with a C compiler. Ignore the warnings. It’s a classic “quine” program from decades back, and it still works with the gcc 4.1.2 compiler in my modern Linux distro. YMMV. The fun part is that this all fits in a single Tweet.
main() { char *s="main() { char *s=%c%s%c; printf(s,34,s,34); }"; printf(s,34,s,34); }
You know those hackneyed corporate motivational posters that say “Work hard, increase production, prevent accidents and be happy”? There’s a set of prints you can buy with bicycle related quotes. Via Edwin.
Dress up your bike for a Bicycle Beauty Contest in Los Angeles.
Women’s Adventure Magazine outdoor type women for a photoshoot in Boulder, CO.
All girl alleycat in Washington DC.
The case for owning multiple bikes.
Mom abducts son and disappears. Dad bikes 3000 miles all around Europe and finds him.
Roads deadlier than AIDS, and other stories.
Must have apartment amenity: 2BR 2BA W/D & Bike Storage.
Scofflaw bike parking in Copenhagen and positive reinforcement.
Bikes, cars and ferries: “You don’t disincentivize behavior you’re trying to encourage.”
Bicycle Friendly South Bend. WaPost on Bicycle History.
Who is Global Industry Analysts?
Sioux Falls Artistic Bike Rack program.
Man pushes woman off bicycle, breaks Bud Light Lime bottle over her head.
Marie Claire: Bicycles at a Betsey Johnson fashion show: with “outfits with chains and locks draped over their shoulders and ‘Ride Me’ necklaces.”
Next week: Interbike 2010.
I compiled and ran the little code snippet win gcc 3.4.4 in my Cygwin installation on windows. Neat!