Update: Bike coalition San Jose team meeting also cancelled due to flooding. Details below.
Due to flooding near downtown San Jose, California, Thursday’s scheduled workshop to discuss the California Bicycle / Pedestrian Plan is now an online forum only. The planned in-person meeting at the MLK Library has been cancelled.
To dial into the meeting from 10 A.M. to noon on Thursday, February 23, 2017, call 888-921-7813, and use conference code 2664478. Video will also be available via join.me/CABikeandPed (which is blocked by my office firewall, grrr…).
You can review the draft plan and provide comments online here. Learn more and keep up to date at CABikePedPlan.org.
The Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Team Meeting scheduled for tonight has also been cancelled due to flooding. The meeting organizers and several participants live in he impacted area and are directly affected.
Coyote Creek through the city of San Jose flooded overnight, impacting people in 50,000 homes, and causing a few traffic headaches during the morning commute when Caltrans closed US Highway 101 due to flooding.
What was the top-selling bicycle book last week from Amazon? find out here. I’m not sure I believe that a Japanese bicycle magazine is number nine on the list. [ This is an ad ]