L.A. designer Brett Clouser created the Lunis Crescent Windshell. It’s sleek with an athletic fit, stylish black, and with 360 degrees of reflective transfer film heat pressed into the jacket.

L.A. designer Brett Clouser created the Lunis Crescent Windshell. It’s sleek with an athletic fit, stylish black, and with 360 degrees of reflective transfer film heat pressed into the jacket.
You’ve all probably seen those safety vetsts with flashing LED lights embedded in them, right? The vests I’ve seen previously have very weak, small lights that are essentially useless.
I expected more of this weak sauce when Badger Gears in Los Angeles asked me to look at their Indiegogo project for a new LED cycling jacket. This jacket, however, surprised me and exceeds my expectations, because they seem to use decently bright lights and sought user input on their design to create what seems to be a truly high visibility jacket.
In a recent mailing list discussion, somebody proposed a law in which reflective or high visibility clothing for cyclists should be mandatory.
As far as I know, New Hampshire is the only state with this requirement — NH RSA 265:144 “Special Rules for Bicycles” states, in part, “A bicyclist shall wear at least one item of reflective outerwear apparel, such as a reflective vest, jacket, or helmet strip, during the period from 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise.”