Teens beat Woodside Road cyclist

Daily Post: Teen road rage attack on Woodside Road cyclist

According to this story in the Daily Post, the 35 year old cyclist was riding down Woodside Road in Redwood City, CA when a trio of teens in an old car began harassing the cyclist. When the cyclist pulled into a 7-11, the teens followed him into the parking lot, ganged up on him and beat him, breaking his wrist and nose. Police later arrested two of the alleged assailants based on a license plate. The third is still at large.

The Daily Post doesn’t have an online edition. SF Peninsula people can get a free copy at newstands from Mountain View to Burlingame.

I urge San Mateo Prosecutor Stephen Wagstaffe to prosecute this crime to the full extent possible. At the very least take the licenses from these criminals.

H/T to Murph who posted this image to Twitter.


  1. For juveniles, 3 strikes only counts for certain extremely serious or violent crimes — murder, rape, and certain other crimes where a firearm or gang activity is involved. I don’t believe battery counts against them as juveniles.

  2. Sorry for commenting on old articles… you’d think if 3 are involved, and they catch two, they can leverage fines / jail time to get the third. If you don’t turn your friend in, expect 5x the penalty…

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