Low return on investment, but zero risk of punishment means big incentive to steal bikes.
Maybe stuff we already know, but interesting nonetheless:
Using this risk-return framework for crime, it begins to be clear why there is so much bike theft. For all practical purposes, stealing a bike is risk-free crime. It turns out there is a near zero chance you will be caught stealing a bike.
It’s dead simple to steal a bike and the consequences are near zero. You can resell stolen bikes.
More at Pricenomics –> What Happens to Stolen Bicycles?
So, glue an iPhone to your bike and the risk goes up?
Risk remains about the same. See Jenny’s story from yesterday. You get caught and… so what? DA won’t prosecute, right?
so putting a taser in the seat is the only way to go…
And I guess you only forget to disarm it once.