San Jose Bike Train begins Wednesday, February 5

Hi all,

Last week I briefly tipped you in on an exciting new project I’m working on with local bike fashion blogger Lady Fleur, the San Jose Bike Train.

San Jose Bike Train 1st Street Route

Bike train is a social bike commute designed especially to encourage newcomers by addressing route selection, personal safety and other concerns. San Jose Bike Train is a low-speed (~10 to 12 MPH), no-drop ride. We’re working hard to remove the intimidation factor, so people of all abilities, shapes, sizes, apparel and equipment are encouraged to participate.

Lady Fleur, a couple of other local volunteers and I will lead a twice-monthly “bike train” from San Jose Diridon Station to destinations along the Guadalupe River Trail beginning next Wednesday, February 5, 2014. The Willow Glen start location marked on the map won’t happen until March.

If you work near Hedding @ 1st, San Jose International Airport, Technology Drive, River Oaks, and the San Jose North 1st area, this ride is for you. A ride leader will take you to the front door of your office if you need help with the route. I will also lead a spur to Oracle’s Santa Clara campus on Agnew Road.

Meet Wednesday at 8:15 A.M. in front of the #2 bus bay just outside of the north “side” entrance at Diridon Station. This is the Amtrak bus shelter shown in this photo. We now depart from Bel Bacio Cafe in San Jose’s historic Little Italy, located directly off of the Guadalupe River Trail between St John and Julian Streets. Anyone is welcome to join our pre-ride coffee klatch from about 7:50 until ride departure.

#2 Bus Stop

We will wait for Caltrain 314 to arrive in San Jose and give you time to disembark from the train. We’ll do this rain or shine, but please watch me on Twitter for last minute cancellations or changes on the morning of. I’ll also watch Twitter for appeals to wait up a few minutes if you’re running late. Please ensure your bike is in working condition before your arrival at Diridon Station.

Depending on who shows up, we might very well make a coffee stop in Little Italy before continuing north. We begin very ride at Bel Bacio now. Let me know if you need help getting from transit to Bel Bacio.

This is a great opportunity to prepare for Bike to Work Day coming up in May. Please pass word along to your friends who work along this route and can make their way to Diridon Station.


  1. I’d really like to be there for this, but it looks like I am booked that morning early. Bummer. Hope to catch the “train” soon.


    — Peter

  2. I would like to…participate/contribute/support the morning rides with commuters. I’m an avid cyclist. Is this a continuing effort? Lets make the morning commute a bright start to the day!

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