Category: review

Good Enough Just Got Better

For over a year now I have been eying a wheelset upgrade for the roadie commuter, but could never justify the expense while the existing wheelset was rolling just fine (stock Alex R500’s). Performance has always had a great price on their well-reviewed and popular Forte Titan wheels, but I always miss a sale or have another expense to attend to. Last weekend Performance was letting these babies go for $140 a pair, with $25 off for orders over $150, and I needed a chain tool. Perfect. The shop trued them for me and I went home and mounted them immediately. (more…)

Sock Guy SGX Cycling Sock Review

Most reviewers of film, food and beverage have unique qualifications which make their word worth a bit more when it comes to what they do. When it comes to socks, specifically cycling socks, the fact that I have two feet (problematic feet at that) and ride my bike a ton allows me to better evaluate the effectiveness of a product that applies to a very specific part of cycling. (more…)

Seasonal Commuting

Summer is finally here (well, has been for a few weeks now). It was an unusually cold and bitter winter, not so much with the snow, but just darn cold and icy. It doesn’t seem that long ago when it seemed summer would never come. Being a commuter, I am finely tuned to the weather and noticing when the seasons change here in Colorado. For the past three years or so, we have have skipped right over spring and entered directly into summer. After a while, one can dial in their apparel needs down to a couple of degrees  in range. Is it a bootie day? Neoprene or fleece-lined? Big soccer-goalie gloves or liners and long finger cycling gloves? Bar Mitts (awesome)? (more…)

The Colorado Connection

Howdy – at least that’s the greeting I offer to other cyclists on my commute home from work (the ride to work is early enough where I am the only one on the road). I am The Biking Viking from Colorado Springs, Colo., and your host has kindly asked me to contribute to Cyclelicious from the Centennial State.

Cycling has played a major role in my life much more important that reducing my carbon footprint or cutting back on gas consumption. After spending much of my youth on a bike, delivering papers and riding to/from school, I took a break when I was old enough to drive and didn’t come back to cycling until the lifestyle of my 20’s and 30’s caught up to me and demanded I take better care of myself.

Colorado is a great place to be if you spend most of your time on two wheels. Rediscovering the bike has made me a better driver, it has brought my health back from the brink of doom, and is indirectly responsible for a large part of the economic recovery. Well, a very small part, but you get it.

I hope to bring to Cyclelicious my passion for the sport/activity, practical health experiences, and reviews of various cycling products, seeing as how I am always shopping for my next build/bib/bag/bike.

I am not a preacher per se, but a pillager and a plunderer of all things bicycle wherever I find them. Looking forward to sharing it all with you.