Bay Area Bike to Work Day photos

I bike today - Bike To Work Day San Francisco

I posted my mostly lame South Bay Bike To Work Day photos to Flickr. Good photos are hard to take when you’re camera is broken!

Luckily, several other people carried their cameras on Bike To Work Day. Here’s Frank Ogawa Plaza in Oakland.

Bike to Work Day Oakland California

Adam posted his photos from San Francisco.

Bike to Work Day San Francisco

Sasha, too.

Bike to Work Day San Francisco

My friend Jerry his Apple Bike To Work Day photos to Picasa. See also Bici Girl’s nice photos from Oakland, San Francisco photos from vs Goliath,

All photos shown here with permission or with CC license. Click on the photos for attribution and captions.


  1. Looks like there was a good turnout. Thanks for sharing your pics. Pedaling more and driving less is one very simple way to help the world.

  2. Looks like there was a good turnout. Thanks for sharing your pics. Pedaling more and driving less is one very simple way to help the world.

  3. Looks like there was a good turnout. Thanks for sharing your pics. Pedaling more and driving less is one very simple way to help the world.

  4. Hi. Please join the Bicycle to Work! LinkedIn networking group. Members pledge that they will try to ride their bicycle to work or on an errand at least once a week. Although the benefits should be obvious, let me outline them here.

    Right now people in the industrialized world are facing two very grave problems: obesity and a growing scarcity of oil. Compounding this problem is the new food shortage brought about, in part, by the conversion of food cropland to bio-fuel crop production. Most people feel powerless to help, but there is one thing that we can do. Ride our bicycles to work.

    If everyone would agree to ride their bikes to work one day per week we could cut oil consumption by as much as 10-15%. No one would argue that riding a bike burns more calories than driving the car. Although popular politically right now, most bio-fuels consume more energy than they produce. We would be much better to eat those bio-crops then use our own energy to transport us around.

    So spread the word. Make it a movement! Bicycle to work one day a week and do your part to cut back obesity and the overuse of oil and precious cropland.

    Just go to my profile at and you can click on the group to be included. While you are there, don't forget to ask to link to my network of more than 9,000,000 like-minded professionals. I accept all invitations and look forward to meeting you.


  5. Hi. Please join the Bicycle to Work! LinkedIn networking group. Members pledge that they will try to ride their bicycle to work or on an errand at least once a week. Although the benefits should be obvious, let me outline them here. Right now people in the industrialized world are facing two very grave problems: obesity and a growing scarcity of oil. Compounding this problem is the new food shortage brought about, in part, by the conversion of food cropland to bio-fuel crop production. Most people feel powerless to help, but there is one thing that we can do. Ride our bicycles to work. If everyone would agree to ride their bikes to work one day per week we could cut oil consumption by as much as 10-15%. No one would argue that riding a bike burns more calories than driving the car. Although popular politically right now, most bio-fuels consume more energy than they produce. We would be much better to eat those bio-crops then use our own energy to transport us around. So spread the word. Make it a movement! Bicycle to work one day a week and do your part to cut back obesity and the overuse of oil and precious cropland. Just go to my profile at and you can click on the group to be included. While you are there, don't forget to ask to link to my network of more than 9,000,000 like-minded professionals. I accept all invitations and look forward to meeting you. Jeff

  6. Hi. Please join the Bicycle to Work! LinkedIn networking group. Members pledge that they will try to ride their bicycle to work or on an errand at least once a week. Although the benefits should be obvious, let me outline them here. Right now people in the industrialized world are facing two very grave problems: obesity and a growing scarcity of oil. Compounding this problem is the new food shortage brought about, in part, by the conversion of food cropland to bio-fuel crop production. Most people feel powerless to help, but there is one thing that we can do. Ride our bicycles to work. If everyone would agree to ride their bikes to work one day per week we could cut oil consumption by as much as 10-15%. No one would argue that riding a bike burns more calories than driving the car. Although popular politically right now, most bio-fuels consume more energy than they produce. We would be much better to eat those bio-crops then use our own energy to transport us around. So spread the word. Make it a movement! Bicycle to work one day a week and do your part to cut back obesity and the overuse of oil and precious cropland. Just go to my profile at and you can click on the group to be included. While you are there, don't forget to ask to link to my network of more than 9,000,000 like-minded professionals. I accept all invitations and look forward to meeting you. Jeff

  7. I like that t-shirt in the first shot. Pretty cool.

    I need to get my BTWD pictures posted too, but no time today.

  8. I like that t-shirt in the first shot. Pretty cool.I need to get my BTWD pictures posted too, but no time today.

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