Bicycle Neglect

I posted about this months ago, but it’s worth another mention. Bicycle Neglect is a series of articles by Alan Durning about why most Seattle area cities don’t treat bicycles as transportation, which communities are doing the best job, and what’s at stake.


Bicycle Design on the NYC better bike racks contest.

Like father like son: Taylor Phinney goes fast. And here’s the whole Phinney/Carpenter family in the New York Times.

Kansas City on a bike.

Brian informs me that Land Rover started out as a bicycle: the Starley & Sutton Co’s Rover Safety Bicycle, which replaces the unstable penny farthing bicycles of its day.

The Cheeseburger Footprint.


  1. …wow…read that ny times article about the phinney/carpenter family & if that doesn't pull at your heart strings, there's might be something missing in your life…

    …i hope taylor not only makes the team but come august, i'd love to see a great result…but either way, i know we're gonna see an awesome effort…& mom & dad won't be the only proud ones…

  2. …wow…read that ny times article about the phinney/carpenter family & if that doesn't pull at your heart strings, there's might be something missing in your life……i hope taylor not only makes the team but come august, i'd love to see a great result…but either way, i know we're gonna see an awesome effort…& mom & dad won't be the only proud ones…

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