GQ features men on bicycles

Scott Schuman, aka the Sartorialist, featured men on bikes in his colummn in GQ magazine. He writes:

Followers of my blog know that I’m fond of shooting bicyclists in cities like Milan and Paris. Recently, I found out that three of the chicest New York men I know also ride their bikes to work, even in the winter. Each cited practical reasons, like the ease of getting around. But I think they also like that throwback feeling of being more physical in their work clothes. It’s not called a sport coat because it hangs on a hook in your office. I asked them how they create their own “cyclist chic.”

Click here to view Schuman’s slideshow, where he focuses on the men’s fashion, not the bikes.


  1. "Followers of my blog know that I’m fond of shooting bicyclists in cities like Milan and Paris."

    Take THAT out of context! Ha ha ha!

  2. "Followers of my blog know that I’m fond of shooting bicyclists in cities like Milan and Paris."Take THAT out of context! Ha ha ha!

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