I’m a fan of Lucas Brunelle’s alleycat cycling videos. Here he is in Stockholm, Sweden.
I found this at Pierre Requiroule’s blog, where he writes: “Complètement malade et ça ressemble à une compilation de ce qu’on peut faire de pire à vélo.” That’s French for “These guys are freakin’ maniacs on bikes!” Those Swedes sure like their car horns, and those articulated buses look scary.
And I love the name of Pierre’s blog, which is “Tant de belles choses à vélo.” That’s French for “Cyclelicious” 🙂
Hi Fritz, thanx for the link! Velicieux does not sound very good and Cyclelicious was taken, so I had to find something else… I'm glad you like it!
Hi Fritz, thanx for the link! Velicieux does not sound very good and Cyclelicious was taken, so I had to find something else… I'm glad you like it!
That was some pretty impressive riding there! I think some of the horns were warranted though 🙂
That was some pretty impressive riding there! I think some of the horns were warranted though 🙂