NY judge strikes pedicab registration rule

State Supreme Court Justice Edward Lehner ruled for the New York City Pedicab Owners Association by killing a New York City rule allowing anybody to apply for a limited number of pedicab registration plates. The pedicab owners group sought to limit registration only to pedicab owners. More at Newsday.

More Bicycle News

Sweet story: Boy with missing arm gets specially designed bicycle designed and built by prisoners.

Gil the Bay Area bike commuter

I’ve seen this happen once: a cyclist forgets his bike on the bus! In Seattle, this happened to 863 bikes in 2007.

Texas bicycle bandit captured!

Tourist tackles bike thief in Australia.

Essay contest: Win and get a bike and helmet.

Some goofiness for today — Calgary Ironman triathlete Greg Kolodziejz plans to set a record by traveling across the Atlantic ocean in a pedal powered boat. Read more about his plans in the Toronto Star.

Tasmanian Bicycle Council back in action.

Remember, Monday is Martin Luther King Jr Day in the United States. Caltrain will run the 23rd Annual Freedom Train from San Jose to San Francisco on Monday. Tickets for the Freedom Train must be obtained through the Martin Luther King Jr Association of Santa Clara Valley.

I really like the idea of honoring a national hero through a day of service, such as mountain bike trail work as reported at Singletracks.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Photo by me. That’s Gil the bike commuter in San Jose, California. He usually catches the train from Mountain View up to San Mateo, participates in San Francisco Critical Mass, and hauls his stuff around on a seatpost mounted rack. Go Gil!

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