Watch for giveaways this week

I have a box of bike stuff to clear out that I want to give away beginning tomorrow. Look for a Nasbhar 26″ studded bike tire (well used but still very functional); a SafeTurn wrist turn signal; some cycling books; and a handful of other handy gadgets and things.

How to win.

1. You have to live in the USA or Canada. Sorry to those elsewhere.

2. You must have an account on

3. Watch for the giveaway posts over this next week. The first to post a link to with the correct “hashtag” wins the prize. If you don’t have an account on Twitter, you’ll want to set one up now and, optionally, follow me. To make things easy for everybody, each giveaway post will include a link with the correct text to post to Twitter. The link will look something like this.

4. Once I select you as the winner, I need to be able to contact you and you need to respond to me with your shipping information. I will not sell or give your personal information away, and you won’t be added to any mailing lists.

5. If there are technical problems prohibiting you from posting to Twitter, or keeping me from correctly finding your Tweets, I may or may not invalidate the giveaway and start over, depending on how bad the technical problems are (and Twitter sometimes fails pretty spectacularly).


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