Alice Telford in Utah is 86 years old and bikes 70 miles a day.
Alice got into cycling nearly 30 years ago at age 61, taking adventure cycling trips through France, Mexico, Siberia, China, and California. At age 67, she completed the tortuous 217 mile mountain bike trip from Telluride, Colorado to Moab, Utah. Today, at age 86, she continues to ride daily and organize local bike rides.
Read more about this amazingly active woman at Cycle & Style: “Alice Telford – An Inspriation to All Women.”
Photo by Tara McKee and posted here with her permission.
I would like to get in touch with Alice. She is a remarkable woman. I looked on facebook. I don't think she is on facebook. Is there a way to send messages to her. If yes, please let me know. Was Alice born in Wisconsin. I am looking for a relative named Alice. Please contact me at Does Alice know a boy born on March 11, 1947 in Los Angeles, CA. His name at birth was Richard Lynn Langdon or Richard Lynn Lindquist.
@Irasema – Alice was interviewed for Cycle and Style: You might be able to contact her through that website.
really remarkable woman! she is so active! amazing