Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark rides in front of the U.S. Capitol Building as he participates in a bicycle ride around Washington June 7, 2010. The League of American Bicyclists hosted the Crown Prince to show the advancements made in Washington for more bike lanes on the streets and getting commuters onto bicycles as a healthy alternative to other forms of transport.
More on Prince Frederik’s visit at Copenhagenize, where we learn a motorist yelled at this foreign dignitary to “GET OFF THE ROAD.” How nice.
who cares if he got yelled at? he's a rich ass**** monarch. i am glad he got yelled at. he leads a charmed life.
I think noyb may be missing the point. He was here to see how far DC's come in embracing the bicycle as an alternative means of transport and got a clear demonstration that DC has a ways to go still (as does the rest of our ginormous SUV loving nation).
Agreed Fenriq, but perhaps noyb is just trolling. At the very least they didn't click the link provided where Frederik is described as ” A really down to earth chap.” I'm looking at the pictures of the ride and I don't see him sporting a crown or any ermine. If fact, he looks rather Fred (pun intended).
What I want to know is, what kind of bike is that? It's gorgeous.