GOOD reminds us that this week (Oct 4 – 10) is Rideshare Week. They’re running a little mini-project: Submit your photo of your rideshare, carpool, vanpool, bus ride, bike ride, telecommute or walk to work and they’ll publish the best photos each day of the week.
I think I’ll submit this shadow panda photo for today.

Copenhagen has a couple of cute bike promotion things going on. There’s this You’re safer on a bicycle than on a sofa poster. And then there’s this “We Love Bikes” for the UCI 2011 Worlds. I’m not too sure how I’d feel about a bearded stranger in a suit approaching me for a random hug (I’d suspect he’s either trying to sell me something or convert me to his religion), but the video is still cute.
Biking to Live: Mother Nature is my gym.
Polksa: I BIke Krakow.
Quickrelease: Rain isn’t the new golf because rain doesn’t stop play.
Do you know what ” bicycloheptene” is? I have a search bot that alerts me whenever anything related to bikes or bicycles shows up in the US Federal Register. This notice from the EPA popped up telling me they Federal government plans to “modifying certain tolerances” of the “insecticide synergist Noctyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide.” I don’t think it has anything to do with bicycles.
Your search bot puts mine to shame.
Your search bot puts mine to shame.