Langur monkeys sit on their handlers’ bicycles in front of the Commonwealth Games headquarters in New Delhi September 27, 2010. According to a New Delhi city council official, Langur monkeys are used in parts of New Delhi to scare away other monkeys who create a menace around the Commonwealth Games venues.
Also replaces the need for a kickstand, with a tail like that. I like the extra rear wheel guard they put on so the tails don’t get caught.
If they were SEATTLE monkeys, we’d expect them to wear little helmets (and perhaps ride fixies).
Ha ha!
Speaking of fixes, I haven’t heard of any fixed gear hipsters on the subcontinent. We’ve got them in Shangai, Hong Kong, elsewhere in the Pacific Rim, all throughout Latin America, and of course North America and Western Europe. But no Bangalore Fixed.
And I work with a guy who tells me he used a track bike all around his college campus in Hyderabad as a young man in the 80s.