Bike computer manuals

Bicycle computer instruction manuals refreshed March 8, 2013. I added links for Topeak, Polar, Blackburn, Serfas and VDO and included a comment about computers purchased from mass-merchant retailers.

Planet Bike Protege 9.0 9-Function Bike Computer

If you did “fall back” for the end of Daylight Savings Time, your bicycle computer is now an hour fast and you probably have no idea how to reset the time on your bike computer.

Several bike computer manuals are available online as PDF files. Here are the ones I’ve found, but there are many more bike computers today than were available in 2005; please feel free to list any I’ve missed in the comments.

My top secret tip: I don’t change the time in the fall, so when it comes time to Spring Forward I’m back to the correct time on my bike computers. Hurray!

If you want a new cycle computer and want to support Cyclelicious at the same time, I have about 30 pages worth of bike computers listed in the Cyclelicious Amazon Affiliate shop. They’re listed approximately in order of popularity.

I’m seeing more requests for manuals from inexpensive, off-brand computers purchased from mass retailers. These manuals are not available online. If somebody wants to scan a manual I’ll be glad to post it up or link to it.


  1. I just bought a Fluid 20 computer for my bike – now I can’t set it, the instructions are not clear for an oldie like me

  2. I don’t know that model. Who’s the manufacturer?

    Challenging instructions on bike computers are what children are for, right 😉  If no children are available, your friendly local bike shop staff hopefully can figure it out.

  3. @Mark – I hunted around. The AS-11G seems to be something bought by the container load and then rebranded by numerous resellers. It doesn’t appear the original manufacturer makes the manual available online.

  4. I have misplaced the manual that came with the AS11G is a 3 cm gap between spoke magnet & sensor correct it seems too much

  5. I don’t know what the AS11G is, but 3CM is way beyond what every bike computer I’ve used can sense. Typically the sensor must be positioned the magnet passes within millimeters.

  6. Nice page for old manuals. I have a 1991ish computer branded with “P” for Schwinn Paramount, and I’m told it’s a rebranded Vetta. Nice unit with cadence & speed/distance. Is Vetta still around? I see a lot of new product, but the Vetta weblinks do not respond. Can’t find this unit in manuals research so far.

  7. Is it possible to view a YPK Chrono Master Bicycle Computer – Wireless owners manual

  8. I need the manual for my Serfas level 2.2 . The Serfas website has been done for sometime. Thank you very much!

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