Silicon Valley tech company hiring a campus bike hub manager

Lots of interesting, career track jobs in this week’s edition of bicycle jobs.

You know those bike racks on the front of city buses? Those are manufactured by SportWorks in Seattle, WA. They’re looking for a product design and development engineer.

More bicycle jobs below the cyclist photo.


A “well known Silicon Valley tech company” in Menlo Park, California seeks a skilled bike mechanic and manager to help launch and run an all-new campus Bike Hub. The company that immediately comes to mind is Facebook, though I suppose SRI might qualify as well. Would all of those VC firms on Sand Hill Road qualify? Whoever it is, looks like they’ve contracted with this outfit to run the operation.

You might not recognize the name Smart Etailing, but they provide the software that run the websites of a great many local bikes shops. They’re seeking passionate cyclists for multiple job openings in Boulder, CO or Orange County, CA, though they won’t turn away highly qualified people for telework if they think you can make it work.

TRANSFORM in Oakland, CA seeks Senior Accountant.

Healdsburg (Sonoma County), CA: Bicycle touring center manager.

Santa Cruz Office of Education seeks bicycle repair instructor for an occupational training program.

Alliance for Walking & Biking in Washington DC seeks Advocacy Advance Bicycle Pedestrian Research Intern.

Bicycle safety instructor with a car needed for a Los Angeles area school safety program.

Bookkeeper with a bike needed for a busy restaurant group in Manhattan.

This sounds crazy but maybe it will work: Small manufacturing business entrepreneur is using Craigslist to find a like minded workaholic who’s into urban cycling. Looks like the Detroit area?

Expanding Southern California bike retail business needs purchasing manager.

Bilingual Safe Routes to School instructor wanted in Oakland.

Triathlon Coach in Seattle.

Marketing intern for Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation in Charlotte, NC.

San Francisco: QA Engineer for a software company in the fitness industry.

HR / Payroll manager for New York City Bike Share in Brooklyn.

Sell this machine in San Diego. They want a “head shot and/or proof of fitness level” with your resume.

Bike-riding mosquito control near Chicago.

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