Teen tweets about a San Jose hit and run

Son Of A Bike brought this series of tweets to my attention. They seem to chronicle a hit and run against a cyclist by Santa Teresa High School Junior Jayme Chavez.

Alex Wong Santa Teresa High School Tweets about Hit and run by Jayme Chavez

Several people have reported this to the San Jose Police. The victim, however, apparently did not report this crime, and nobody is sure where this even took place. Mr Chavez’s tweets seem to indicate he was returning from a two day road trip when this occurred. He also tweets that he damaged his father’s car, and that he’s upset with getting pulled over by the police, so maybe he’s already been caught?

Jayme Chavez to egg somebody with friends


  1. I hope the girl was arrested too if the driver was for not reporting. I hope the cyclist is ok.

  2. I’m going to assume you’re threatening a DMCA takedown. I’ll be glad to test the applicability of US copyright law to a Twitter conversation. As far as I can determine, this is untrod territory.

  3. He’s going to jail when he gets caught. A hit and run with complete evidence. We have witnesses, tweets and even a dented car for proof. Don’t answer your door for anything Mr.Chavez. the police are coming.

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