The city of Santa Clara, California announced openings for the city Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC).
![San Jose Bike Party](
The BPAC is a citizen committee to advise the city council on matters related to bicycling in the city of Santa Clara. This committee is now accepting applications for new members from people who either live or work (!) in Santa Clara. I think this is the first BPAC I’ve seen where non-residents are eligible. This is significant because I’m among the 50,000 people who commute into Santa Clara everyday.
BPAC meetings take place the third Wednesday of January, March, June, August and October, 4 PM at Santa Clara City Hall.
Participation in the BPAC can be both rewarding and infuriating. You’re right there looking at proposals for some of the interesting things Santa Clara has done regarding bike infrastructure, and Santa Clara ridership has tripled over the past year, but you’ll also beat your head in frustration at a city council that refuses to take action on some of the things that really matter.
Contact Marshall Johnson at 408-615-3023 or for applications. Applications must be received by Tuesday October 20, 2015, so hop to it.
Chapeau to my friends at Cowgirl Bike Courier who tipped me off to this news.
Bump on this – we could really use your help. I’d sound like a broken record if I went into the rant on the San Tomas creek trail (STACT) closures, but the city is now planning two huge developments around the stadium and just completed a draft EIR. The public has upcoming review opportunities, including tomorrow night:
I encourage people to review the transportation plan in detail and come armed with knowledgeable comments:
I’ve just started browsing this and take strong issue with the fact that the STACT is noted as a Class I access to the development but no mention is made that it is increasingly unavailable during the peak commute times that the LOS study is required to focus on. I also note that, despite the 2010 General Plan quoted as saying the project can not “Conflict with an existing or planned bicycle or pedestrian facility”, removal of bike lanes is designated as “possible” on four different roadways (in the congestion mitigation table – you have to read the fine print preceding it).
So I’m sorry for the hijack, but I hope to see lots of new faces at both the public City Place meeting at the Hilton tomorrow night, as well as the Santa Clara BPAC meeting on Wednesday evening. Given our “Levi’s lesson”, we need to be especially vigilant in advocating for and protecting (safe) roadway access as Santa Clara grows.