Category: blog

International Win for Susan day

Here’s an absolutely lovely idea from David Schloss on Bike Hugger. Let’s observe August 23rd as the International Win for Susan Day. Wear your LiveStrong bracelet, Fat Cyclist apparel, or simply a homemade sign. Let’s try to raise more money for cancer research in Susan’s memory.

This was David’s idea. Go thank him for it.

(…and Fritz, I hope you don’t mind me sneaking in to post this!…..Ed)

Lunch with Paul Andrews

Semi-retired journalist Paul Andrews is visiting the Bay Area from his Seattle home. He used to write for the San Jose Mercury News back in the stone ages before he packed his bags to become the technology columnist for the Seattle Times.

We had lunch at Cafe Borrones in Menlo Park where he told me about his bike rides with Jobst Brandt (mountain dirt trails on skinny road tires), Dave Scott (super nice guy who pulled the entire ride, kind of like Fabian Cancellara pulled Saxo Bank during the Team Time Trail), Greg LeMond (ran into him once), and other Bay Area cycling legends.

In 2000, Paul met blogging pioneer Dave Winer and tried out Winer’s early blogging software. “I tried it out and was blown away,” writes Paul in his old tech column. “For a career journalist, blogging was like dropping a newsroom, printing press and fleet of trucks in my lap,” so he began blogging about bikes and other topics at the turn of this century, which is five years before I began blogging about bicycle issues in Boulder County, Colorado. As far as I can tell, the other “oldest” bike blog is The Cycling Dude who began publishing, I believe, in 2003 or 2002 (Kiril, please feel free to correct me).

These days, Paul Andrews blogs as The Bike Intelligencer. He knows road biking and the people involved and there’s good stuff to read over there — I’ve added it to my RSS feed.

Logan was his name-o

These are Amanda and Doc Logan in Sacramento.

AToC Sacramento meetup

Logan blogs about cycling and other stuff from Sacramento. I’ve known him online for probably two or three years and it’s always great to meet these people in person.

Amanda rides a Schwinn Madison; Logan’s bike is an old Raleigh. Big props to them because this was at a big bike blogger meetup in Sacramento and these two were the only ones who *ahem* rode their bikes there.

Drop by and say hello to Logan.

The BR&IN has a blog

In a surprisingly transparent article about the fears she has jumping into the world of blogging, Bicycle Retailers and Industry News editor Megan Tompkins expresses her skepticism about new media while acknowledging the influence blogs can have in politics and business.

You can find the BR&IN blog here, and so far it looks like they’ve got things right: comments, RSS feed, and transparency. Good work, Ms. Tompkins, I’m looking forward to more.

Bicycle Retailers and Industry News is the publication for bike retailers, covering all aspects of the bicycle industry ranging from the state of retail sales to labor rates in China. The BR&IN is published by the National Bicycle Dealers Association and is run by people in the bike business. If you can snag a copy it has some fascinating stuff.

Streetsblog Network

Streetsblog announced the the Streetsblog Network, which brings together more than than 100 blogs to create a place where people who blog on smart growth, livable streets and sustainable transportation issues can come together and learn from each other.

California blogs in the Streetsblog Network so far include Green Wheels in Humboldt County, The Overhead Wire in San Francisco, San Francisco Cityscape, the new and excellent San Francisco Bike Blog, Transbay Blog (SF), Fresno Bike Coalition, Bicycle Fixation (LA), Bottleneck Blog (LA), Gary Rides Bikes (LA), LA County Bicycle Coalition, Streetsblog LA, The Bus Bench in Los Angeles, LA Visions, Metro Rider LA, and Long Beach Cyclists.