Category: NAHBS 2010

NAHBS Inspiration

This morning before the masses descended upon the Shimano North American Handmade Bicycle Show, I caught up with several inspiring and inspired frame designers / builders cum change agents. I’ll post the interviews as soon as I can get them transcribed, likely this evening. Ed Ip is already working on a photo dump. For now, here are the names so you know what to look forward to:

Steve Bilenky of Bilenky Cycle Works
Mike Flanigan of Alternative Needs Transportation (ANT)
John Fabel of Sylvan
Ahren Rogers of Banjo Cycles
Renold Yip of Yipsan
Nate Meschke & Matt Cardinal of Signal Cycles
Marty Walsh of Geekhouse Bikes

Ed & I are hangin at Perly’s (111 E. Grace btwn 1st & 2nd Streets) anticipating 2 big breakfast plates. Afterwards, we will head back for another hour on the show floor to take some portraits of exhibitors and attendees. Facial hair will figure prominently!

NAHBS 2010 Day 1 Wrap Up

It has been a long day but wouldn’t trade it for the world.  The NAHBS is an eye opener to what these true artists disguised as bike builders can do with traditional materials such as steel, aluminum, carbon and some not so traditional such as wood and bamboo.  But before I get some shut eye, I leave you with a few of my favorite images of the day.